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TiVo Modem Replacements from WeaKnees.com

Weaknees.com has an Easy-to-Install Solution for TiVo Modems that won't dial in successfully (either because they are broken, or because you've switched to a VoIP solution): An external modem built and configured for your TiVo. No need to ship your TiVo to be repaired. Our solution is truly "plug-and-play"--you don't even have to open your TiVo! Please note: standard computer modems will NOT automatically work with TiVos.

All modems are brand new. Modems have a 90-day warranty.

TiVo Modem Replacement Kit
In Stock $99.99 - Qualifies for Free Shipping

TiVo Modem Replacement Kit

TiVo Modem Kit
The Plug-and-Play 56k modem kit requires no tools - and you don't even need to open your TiVo. Connects in minutes. Includes 90 day WeaKnees warranty. (Note: You will need the cable below, which shipped with some TiVo DVRs.)
$0.00 - IN STOCK - Eligible for FREE SHIPPING

TiVo stopped supporting dial-in. Use a G-Wifi Adapter instead if possible.
TiVo Modem Replacement Kit

Stereo to Serial Cable
You need this cable to attach the modem to the TiVo - one came with most early standalone TiVos; if you can't find yours, order one.
This cable isn't the same as a bash cable or other stereo to serial cables - it has different pinouts than other serial cables.
Ships via USPS first class
(unless ordered with a modem kit)

$0.00 - IN STOCK - Eligible for FREE SHIPPING

TiVo stopped supporting dial-in. Use a G-Wifi Adapter instead if possible.

Who can use the WeaKnees TiVo Modem Kit?
This TiVo Modem Kit will work with any TiVo DVR other than the TiVoHD, Series3 and Series 4 high definition TiVos (which do not have serial ports on the back). The modem kit requires software version 3.0 or higher - if you need to check your software version, go to Messages and Setup then to System Information. Your TiVo OS version is listed there. If you are in Guided Setup and cannot check your System Information screen, then you can safely assume you have 3.0 or later if your modem has worked (and has dialed in) at any time in the last 5 years. 3.0 software came out in 2003.

If you don't have software 3.0 or later, you can buy a 'replace' upgrade kit from us for some models that will contain the appropriate software. Contact us for more details.

You will need a stereo to serial cable. This cable came with Series 1 standalone TiVos only - if you didn't get one with your TiVo or if you don't have the one that came with your TiVo, you can order one above. If you have VoIP (Vonage or otherwise), you will also need a phone or VoIP modem/router that has a standard phone jack. Most VoIP phone and modems do have one, but Vonage, for example, has recently started shipping some cordless phones that lack an analog jack.

The five most common errors that this TiVo Modem Kit can fix are:

  • Modem Not Responding (the hardest error to fix - our TiVo Modem Kit does it!)
  • No Dial Tone
  • Failed to Connect
  • Service not Answering
  • If lightning has hit your TiVo and your modem doesn't work, but the rest of the unit works (powers up properly, responds to remote, records shows, plays back shows) then this kit will give you back the ability to get guide updates. Same requirements apply.

What does the TiVo Modem Kit include?

  • an external, brand new modem, fully configured by us for your TiVo
  • the modem power supply
  • instructions on how to set your TiVo to use this modem

How long will this take me to set up?
This generally takes about 5 minutes to setup and begin using.

Why shouldn't I just have my TiVo modem repaired?
(currently, there are no repair centers that will fix a TiVo modem)

  • You don't have to ship your TiVo
  • You don't have to solder on your TiVo motherboard
  • This TiVo Modem Replacement Kit is a higher quality modem than the built-in modem
  • This TiVo Modem Replacement Kit is much less likely to fail in the future than a modem repair
  • If you send your TiVo to the manufacturer for a repair (the only reliable way), they'll likely just swap your unit out, meaning you will lose the recordings and settings on your drive also and you'll get a refurbished drive. And you'll spend about $149 and wait several weeks.
  • You wont be stuck without your TiVo at all!

Please note that if you are currently using your TiVo's serial port to control a digital cable box, then you will only be able to connect this TiVo modem when your serial cable is otherwise not in use. If you are unsure whether you are using the serial port, please send us an email with your questions. Generally, only certain digital cable boxes and satellite receivers are able to utilize the serial port. If you are controlling your cable box or satellite receiver using infrared (generally a cable with a purple connector), then your serial port is not being used. We do have customers who simply unplug their cable box once a week, force the TiVo phone call through our TiVo Modem Kit, then replug in their cable box.

If I use your external TiVo modem, do I still need a surge protector or other device?
We highly recommend it. In our discussions with several modem manufacturers, the one thing we heard repeatedly was that the phone line surge protection is the best precaution against modem damage. While our external modems are far more durable than the factory TiVo modem, even the best computer component is no match to a lightning storm or other major power or electrical surge. Please see our protect page for more details.

Will this work with Vonage, FIOS and VoIP in general?
Although we don't have a VoIP line here for testing, many customers have purchased this for use with Vonage, and it is extremely successful. There is a setting for "bandwidth saver" in your online Vonage configuration. This needs to be set to 90Kbps for the modem to work best. If you have VoIP (Vonage or otherwise), you will also need a phone or VoIP modem/router that has a standard phone jack. Most VoIP phone and modems do have one, but Vonage, for example, has recently started shipping some cordless phones that lack an analog jack.

We also have reports from customers that our TiVo modem kit will enable Verizon FIOS customers to dial in with their TiVo DVRs. Here is one testimonial: "Dear Weaknees: I received my two modems with cords this evening and set up was both fast and easy. Both modems worked like a charm! As you know, I am on Verizon FIOS for internet and telephone, and my DVRs could not connect with DirecTv to download the guide for programs. I am so pleased! The 56,000 kps v. 92 modems appear to be much faster than the ones on the Series 2 ... circuit board. All is well, thanks to you. You are welcome to share these comments with whoever you wish. Thank you so much. All Verizon could do was offer me a mixed media connection with restoration of my copper phone line."

I absolutely want my internal modem fixed, please!
We can do that also, as part of our flat-fee TiVo repair service.

What if I have more questions?
First, check our WeaKnees.com TiVo FAQ. If you can't find the answer there, for the fastest response, email us at [email protected]. During business hours (9 AM to 5 PM Pacific) you may also call (888) WEAKNEES.


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TiVo Inc. TiVo is
a registered trade-
mark of TiVo Inc.

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All orders are eligible for FREE shipping! We use UPS and USPS (free ground shipping in 48 states - full shipping info).

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