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TiVo for Off-Air Antenna (OTA) - In Stock

We have several TiVo models in stock that record off-air antenna stations. We offer these units with and without a TiVo subscription. Units without a lifetime/all-in subscription require a TiVo service plan (sold through TiVo). Units that include the subscription* (a $549value) require no fees.

TIVO For Antenna: WITH Prepaid Product Lifetime Subscription ("All-in" Service)
TiVo Bolt Series6 DVRs - Refurbished

In Stock

TiVo Brand DVR - Series6 WHITE TiVo BOLT with Lifetime Subscription (Refurbished)
TiVo Series6 Bolt. Works with digital cable or antenna. Records up to 4 shows simultaneously. Comes with a 500 GB internal drive for up to 75 hours of high definition. Includes power supply and TiVo remote.

TiVo Series5 Roamios - Refurbished

In Stock

TiVo Brand DVR - Series5 TiVo Roamio Base with Lifetime Subscription (Refurbished)
TiVo Series5 Roamio Base. Works with antenna OR digital cable (but not both simultaneously). If used with cable/FiOS, requires one CableCARD from your cable company. Records up to 4 shows simultaneously. Comes with a 500 GB internal drive for up to 75 hours of high definition. Includes power adapter and remote.

TiVo Brand DVR - Series5 TiVo Roamio OTA with Lifetime Subscription (Refurbished)
TiVo Series5 Roamio OTA. Works with antenna ONLY. Records up to 4 shows simultaneously. Comes with a 1 TB internal drive for up to 150 hours of high definition. Includes power adapter and remote.

TiVo Series4 Premiere - Refurbished

In Stock

TiVo Brand DVR - Series4 TiVo Premiere with Lifetime Subscription
TiVo Series4 Premiere, two tuners. Works with antenna and cable (one or the other or both simultaneously). Comes with a 500GB internal drive for up to 75 hours of high definition. Includes power cable and remote.

*Lifetime Service (recently renamed "All-In Plan") (AIP) refers to the TiVo subscription from TiVo. This is NOT a lifetime warranty on the unit, but rather a lifetime subscription to the TiVo service, applicable to the specific unit purchsaed. Units purchased with AIP will not incur monthly TiVo service fees for the TiVo subscription.

Purchasing AIP directly from TiVo currently costs $549.

WeaKnees TiVos with pre-paid AIP have 90 day warranties. The AIP is subject to TiVo's standard AIP terms and conditions.


TIVO For Antenna: TiVo Subscription Required (Sold Separately from TiVo)
TiVo Bolt Series6 DVRs - Refurbished

In Stock

TiVo Brand DVR - Series6 TiVo BOLT VOX (Refurbished)
TiVo Series6 Bolt VOX. Works with digital cable or antenna (but not both simultaneously). If used with cable/FiOS, requires one CableCARD from your cable company. Records up to 4 shows simultaneously. Comes with 500GB internal drive for up to 75 hours of high definition. Includes TiVo VOX remote and power cable. TiVo Subscription Required (sold separately).

TiVo Brand DVR - Series6 WHITE TiVo BOLT (Refurbished)
TiVo Series6 Bolt. Works with digital cable or antenna. Records up to 4 shows simultaneously. Comes with a 500 GB internal drive for up to 75 hours of high definition. Includes power supply and TiVo remote. TiVo Subscription Required (sold separately).
TiVo Series5 Roamios - Refurbished

In Stock

TiVo Brand DVR - Series5 TiVo Roamio Base (Refurbished)
TiVo Series5 Roamio Base. Works with digital antenna OR cable (but not both simultaneously). If used with cable/FiOS, requires one CableCARD from your cable company. Records up to 4 shows simultaneously. Comes with a 500 GB internal drive for up to 75 hours of high definition. Includes power adapter and remote. TiVo Subscription Required (sold separately).

WeaKnees TiVos have 90 day warranties.


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mark of TiVo Inc.

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