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WeaKnees in the Press

NY Times

How do I Love Thee, TiVo?
Circuits Section, March 18, 2004
By Eric Taub


From the Desk of David Pogue
Tomorrow's TiVos, January 16, 2003
By David Pogue
(Excerpted from the New York Times)

"...The big-ticket Christmas gift at the Pogue household this year was a 145-hour TiVo upgrade, basically a formatted hard drive I bought at www.weaknees.com. (You can buy these drives in various capacities there; my 145-hour replacement drive cost $230, including tax and shipping. Guess it tells you something about the Pogue household if the big-ticket gift was a hard drive. But I digress.)

The kit comes with two special wrenches and instructions, which are posted at the Weaknees Web site so you can gauge the installation difficulty before you order. Installing this new, bigger hard drive isn't as simple as putting a Pop-Tart into a toaster, but it's not as hard as taking apart a car engine, either. You open the TiVo case (the hardest part), unplug two cables, unscrew the drive from its mount, and then reverse the procedure with the new drive. The whole operation took 30 minutes.

And now�oh, mama, what a difference. 145 hours of recording time changes everything. Now we record everything at high quality, let a collection of movies sit there until we have time to watch them, and so on. Nerd heaven!"


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