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Saving your PS3 data while upgrading with a WeaKnees Kit!

Keep your high scores, downloaded games, MP3s, etc.

The easiest way to save your data is to send us your unit for a complete upgrade, but if you don't want to be without it, see these options.

If you have a USB hard drive
If you need a USB hard drive


Just get our PS3 Upgrade Kit and do a backup before installation to your USB hard drive, then do a restore after the kit installation is complete.

No problem!

Along with our regular upgrade kit, we can ship a loaner USB hard drive, ready to go! This option includes a pre-paid UPS shipping label to return the USB loaner drive.

320 GB - $129

500 GB - $179

Order here.

D-I-Y Kit with Loaner USB Drive

320 GB - Net $179*

500 GB - Net $229*


*We charge you $70 more, and give you a $70 credit when you return the loaner USB hard drive within 30 days, with our pre-paid shipping label.

Please note that any games or other items that will not copy to a backup will not survive this procedure.


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Payment Methods

All orders are eligible for FREE shipping! We use UPS and USPS (free ground shipping in 48 states - full shipping info).

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