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MacTiVo Blesser by Eric Wagner

MacTiVo Blesser is a collection of software written by Eric Wagner for free distribution. MacTiVo Blesser is a formatting utility that sets Linux partitions on IDE drives for use in TiVos as "B" drives. In many cases, TiVos with one hard drive can simply "Bless" their new drive and add it - then the TiVo automatically uses it for extra recording capacity. MacTiVo Blesser performs the same function as the Linux BlessTiVo does.

Download MacTiVo Blesser Mac OS 9
Download MacTiVo Blesser OS X
Instructions for OS X Blesser
Download Source Files

MacTiVoBlesser will only work with the units listed below. It will NOT work with any Series 2 TiVo.

  • Philips HDR112 (needs bracket)
  • Philips HDR212 (needs bracket)
  • Philips HDR3120X (HDR312 has two drives - 0X units have one) (needs bracket)
  • Sony SVR-2000 (needs bracket)
  • Some Philips DSR6000s (needs screws)
  • Some Sony SAT-T60s (may need IDE cable, needs screws)
  • Hughes GXCEBOT (needs IDE cable, power splitter, screws)

Use of Mac OS 9 MacTiVo Blesser is very simple:

  1. Shut down your Macintosh.
  2. Attach your new IDE drive to your IDE chain. Be sure to set the jumpers so they wont conflict with any existing IDE drives.
  3. Start your Macintosh.
  4. Make sure the new drive doesn't mount on the desktop as a volume. If it does, drag it to the trask to dismount it.
  5. Run MacTiVo Blesser.
  6. Agree to the liability waiver.
  7. Select the drive you wish to format (be VERY careful here not to select a data drive).
  8. Click on the format button.
  9. Confirm that you want to format.
  10. Success! Shut down your Macintosh and remove your TiVo upgrade drive.
  11. Make sure the jumpers on your drive are set to "slave" drive.
  12. Install the drive in your TiVo.

Instructions for installing the drive in your TiVo:

WeaKnees.com sells complete kits for upgrading TiVos, and the instructions that ship with these kits are generally applicable to do-it-yourself upgrades. You'll certainly need a Torx T-10 screwdriver. Then look here for the instructions.

Some important notes about the MacTiVo Blesser:

The software is in no way guaranteed by either Eric Wagner, or WeaKnees.com. Data loss is possible in your Macintosh while using this program. Please do not try to use MacTiVoBlesser unless your TiVo model is included in the list above.

The MacTiVo Blesser should probably not be used for upgrades where total drive capacity (of both drives) is larger than 130 GBs because of the "swap issue" discussed in detail in TiVoCommunity forums. MacTiVo Blesser will work only if your TiVo's primary drive is a factory drive (i.e., your TiVo's existing drive has not been expanded or upgraded).


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